Lecture 11: Tuples and Memory Allocation
1 Computing with arbitrary-sized data
So far, our compiler supports a language with arbitrarily complex arithmetic and logical expressions, function definitions, and function applications. However, our only values are two primitives: integers and booleans. To make our language more fully-featured, we need the ability to handle structured, arbitrarily sized data.
At a high level, we know that there are three kinds of composite data:
Enumerated data types, with a finite set of distinct values
Structured data types, comprised of a finite set of pieces (either named as in structures, or positional as in arrays), where each piece is itself a value
Potentially-recursive union data, with a finite set of distinct categories of values, where each category of value could itself be structured, and where the pieces of those structures could themselves be union data.
The first kind of composite data really only manifests itself in the type system, where we need to be able to say, “These values are part of this enumeration, while those values are not.” Since enumerated data is merely a finite set of constants, we can simulate them merely by using some distinct set of integers.
Since union data is essentially an enumeration of structured data, if we had the ability to create structured data types, then we could encode union data types by adding a field to each value identifying which variant of the union this value belongs to.
But structured data does not admit such a simple encoding. It requires the ability to group several values into one, and use that compound thing as a value: it should be created by some expressions, used by others, and passed to and returned from functions. In other words, structured data is a fundamentally new thing in our language.
We can consider various kinds of structured data such as records with named fields (as
in C struct
s or Racket define-structs), or indexed data like
arrays. But the simplest form of structured data is the humble pair,
and its bigger cousins the tuples.
Standard reminder: Every time we enhance our source language, we need to consider several things:
Its impact on the concrete syntax of the language
Examples using the new enhancements, so we build intuition of them
Its impact on the abstract syntax and semantics of the language
Any new or changed transformations needed to process the new forms
Executable tests to confirm the enhancement works as intended
2 Adding pairs to our language
2.1 Syntax and examples
We’ll write pairs as
For example, (4, 5)
is a pair consisting of two numbers. The
flexibility of our grammar, though, allows us to nest pairs inside one another,
as in (3, (true || false, false))
or (((1, 2), 3), 4 + 5)
or any other combination we might attempt. However, in order to use our
pairs, we need to be able to access their components. We’ll do so with two new
primitive operators
The intended semantics are that these two primitives project out the first or
second components of the pairs: fst (3, 4) == 3
snd (4, (true, 5)) == (true, 5)
We can add these expression forms to our AST easily enough, modelling the new accessors as unary primitives:
type 'a expr = ...
| EPair of 'a expr * 'a expr * 'a
type prim1 = ... | Fst | Snd
2.2 Representing pairs
Introducing pairs into our language is a much more invasive change than it
might appear. For the first time, we have values in our language that are too
big to fit into a register—
If we want to be able to use pairs as arguments to functions, we’d have to communicate to the callee that some of its arguments aren’t uniformly sized, so its initial environment can’t simply map the ith argument to
RBP + 8 * (i + 2)
. Perhaps we could convey this information via static types, but it certainly would complicate passing pairs to runtime functions likeprint
! This starts to break the calling convention, which breaks interoperability and therefore is not something to be done lightly.If we want to be able to return pairs from functions, we have to figure out how to so without using
as the entirety of our answer. Again this breaks the calling convention, and so we should reconsider.If we want to nest pairs inside each other, as in our examples above, then we immediately fail: In
((1, 2), 3)
, there simply is no way to put both1
at consecutive stack slots (because they’re part of a pair), and also put that entire pair and3
at consecutive stack slots —we need at least three slots!
Instead, we’re going to have to look elsewhere to store our pairs: we’re going to use the heap.
2.2.1 Introducing pointers
The heap is another region of memory, at numerically-smaller addresses than our stack, where we can potentially allocate space for whatever values we want. We’ll defer for a moment how exactly to do that, but suppose that we can. Then for each pair we have to evaluate, we can request space for two consecutive words of memory, and store the two halves of the pair in those two words. Crucially for us, the address of (the first of) those two words is unique: no other pair will exist at that exact address. And, even better, one address is small enough to fit into a register. We can use this address as the representation of our pairs: it is small enough to pass into and out of functions, and small enough to be placed into the components of another pair. By adding this indirection, we’ve solved all three of the failings above.
2.2.2 Tagging pair values
Of course, now that we have a new kind of value, we need a tag to go with it,
to distinguish pairs from booleans or integers. We have three tags
remaining, so we can arbitrarily choose one of them, say 0x1
, to mark our
pointers as pairs. This seems risky, though —
The easiest set of known bits to work with is 0b000
. Can we ensure that
every memory address we allocate always ends in three zero bits? Yes! “Ends
with three zero bits” is the same thing as saying “multiple of 8”
Conveniently, our pairs are two words wide, which means they’re exactly 16 bytes
long. If we can ensure that every allocation we make is aligned to an
8-byte boundary, then all our addresses will end in 0x000
, which means we
are free to use those three bits for whatever tag we need.
2.2.3 Allocating space on the heap
Where can we actually obtain memory from? One possibility is “just use
”, but that just defers the problem. Besides, we have no guarantees
that malloc
will enforce our 8-byte-alignment constraint. Instead, we’ll
use malloc
once, to obtain a big buffer of space to use, and we’ll
manipulate that buffer directly from our assembly. (See below for how
actually gets itself started.)
Here is one possible strategy for handling memory; there are many others.
Let’s devote one register, R15
, to always store a pointer to the next
available heap location. Then “allocating a pair” amounts to storing two
values into [R15]
and [R15 + 8]
, and then incrementing
by 16. (We’ll ignore out-of-memory errors and garbage collection, for
now.) Once again, if R15
started off as a multiple of 8, then after this
process it remains a multiple of 8, so our alignment invariant still holds.
All that remains is to initialize R15
appropriately, which requires
collaboration between main
and our_code_starts_here
. We need to
allocate a buffer of memory from main
, using calloc
allocate-and-clear the memory, and then pass that pointer in to our code.
In other words, our_code_starts_here
now really is a function that takes
in arguments—
int main() {
uint64_t* HEAP = calloc(1024, sizeof(uint64_t)); // Allocate 8KB of memory for now
uint64_t result = our_code_starts_here(HEAP);
return 0;
Do Now!
Why must the call to
happen after the call toprint(result)
On the callee side, in our_code_starts_here
, we need to store this
provided address into R15
, but we first need to ensure that it is a
multiple of 8.1Multiples of 8 are actually
for us, but it is worthwhile to ensure this for ourselves, especially if for
some reason we need a more stringent alignment guarantee later on. In
particular, we need to round the address up to the nearest multiple of 8
(because rounding down might give us an unallocated address). The easiest way
to achive this is to add 7
to the address, then round down to the nearest
multiple of 8. Recall from Lecture 6: Checking for errors and calling functions that the first six
arguments to a function are passed in registers, and our_code_starts_here
is being called from main
. So we can find the value of HEAP
register RDI
... ;; basic function prologue as usual
move R15, RDI ;; Load R15 with the passed-in pointer
add R15, 7 ;; \ add 7 to get above the next multiple of 8
mov temp_reg, 0xfffffffffffffff8 ;; | load a scratch register with the necessary mask
and R15, temp_reg ;; / and then round back down.
Do Now!
Why couldn’t we do this rounding within
The indirection through temp_reg
is necessary once again because of the
limitation on 64-bit literals in and
Do Now!
For this particular sequence of instructions, what register could we use for
, and why? (Hint: it needs to be a register whose value is never needed again, since we’d overwrite its value...)
Do Now!
What small changes would be needed to ensure
has a 16-byte aignment? Speculate on any advantages or disadvantages such a choice might give us.
2.3 ANF transformations
Given that evaluating a pair actually performs a memory allocation, we cannot treat pairs as immediate values: the value simply isn’t immediately ready. But obviously we do want to be able to bind them to variables, so they must be compound expressions. This leads to a simple design:
type 'a cexpr =
| CPair of 'a immexpr * 'a immexpr * 'a
We force the two components of the pair to be immediate, so that the only computational step happening here is the memory allocation itself.
2.4 Compiling pairs and pair accesses
We now have all the tools we need to generate code for all our pair-related expressions. To construct a pair,
... assume the two parts of the pair are already evaluated ...
mov [R15], <first part of pair>
mov [R15 + 8], <second part of pair>
mov RAX, R15 ;; Start creating the pair value itself
add RAX, 0x1 ;; tag the pair
add R15, 16 ;; bump the heap pointer
The order of execution here is important: we must fully evaluate the two
parts of the pair prior to creating the pair, or else the evaluation of each
component might modify R15
, leading to non-consecutive memory addresses
for our pair. Fortunately, our ANF conversion ensured this for us. Next we
must save the current value of R15
as our result RAX
, so
that we can tag it correctly.
To access the first element of a pair,
mov RAX, <the pair value>
<check that RAX is indeed a pair>
sub RAX, 0x1 ;; untag it
mov RAX, [RAX + 0] ;; treat RAX as a pointer, and get its first word
Accessing the second element uses mov RAX, [RAX + 8]
2.5 Type Checking and Type Inference
Since pairs are a new type of value, it makes sense they need a new type
constructor. Moreover since they are compound values, it makes sense that
their types contain other types: the pair (3, 3)
should not have
the same type as (true, false)
. We will create a new type
type 'a typ =
| TyPair of 'a typ * 'a typ * 'a
that contains the types of the two components of the pair. Type-checking a pair is easy: we simply check the individual component expressions at the individual component types.
Type-checking either fst
or snd
is more
challenging, because we do not know a priori what type the other
component of the pair should be.
Do Now!
Why not?
To make this tractable, we’ll restrict our typing rule to only permit
type-checking fst e
or snd e
when e
is a
variable. The only way we could type-check a variable is by looking it up in
the environment, which ensures that we have a complete type for it.
For type-inference, however, we need no such restriction: we just need
to infer that e
has some pair type at all:
3 Generalizing to tuples
Tuples are simply longer pairs. We could consider representing tuples as a linked-list of pairs, but that would be quite inefficient. Instead, we’ll generalize everything above that hard-coded “two elements” to become a list of elements. This has some consequences for our representation, and for type-checking and type-inference, but it mostly goes through smoothly.
3.1 Syntax and examples
We’ll write tuples as
A tuple can have zero or more fields, as in (3, 4)
, ()
or (true, false, 5)
. The concrete syntax for a 1-field tuple
is slightly odd, but is necessary to distinguish the tuple (1 + 2,)
from the parenthesized expression (1 + 2)
. Accessing elements of a
tuple can’t be restricted to two unary primitive operators now, because we
don’t know in advance how large our tuples will be. Instead, we’ll add a more
general expression
‹expr› ...‹expr› [ NUM of NUM ]
Here, the expression e[0 of 5]
evaluates to the first item of a
5-tuple, while e[4 of 5]
evaluates to the last item of the tuple.
The syntax here is slightly odd: we requires integer literals for the index,
rather than expressions, and we require the programmer specify the size of the
tuple. Both of these restrictions are needed to make type-checking and
type-inference tractable, as we’ll see below.
We’ll represent tuples and tuple-accesses as
type 'a expr =
| ETuple of 'a expr list * 'a (* components of the tuple *)
| EGetItem of 'a expr * int * int * 'a (* tuple, desired index, size *)
What are the various errors that could arise from these expressions?
Simply working through our pipeline:
It is an obvious well-formedness error to ask for a negative index, or an index equal to or greater than the provided upper bound.
It should be a type error to specify the wrong bound for a tuple, or to ask for an index outside those bounds.
Even if the type checker fails, it should be a dynamic error to access an out-of-bounds index.
3.2 Representing tuples
We can’t merely store all the items of the tuple consecutively in memory; we need to know how many items there are. Accordingly, we’ll add a header word at the beginning of our tuple in memory, that will store the size of the tuple:
Note carefully that the first word is an actual integer; it is not an encoded value in our language.
Unlike pairs, when we allocate tuples we might easily violate our alignment
invariant. In fact, simply allocating a pair will do so, because we now need
three words in total: the header word plus the two component words. We
can resolve this in one of two ways: we could either add a padding word
at the end of our tuple to bring it back into alignment if necessary, or we
could increment R15
once more to bring it back into alignment.
Do Now!
What are the possible tradeoffs of these two approaches? Are there any observable differences between them, given our language so far?
Again, we need to tag our tuple values, just as we did above for pairs. Since
tuples generalize pairs, the simplest approach is to eliminate pairs as a
special case, and just use tuples everywhere —0x1
tag to now mean tuples. It’s important to note that we could use both
representations in our compiler —
Do Now!
What are the possible tradeoffs of using just one representation for all tuples, vs using two representations for pairs and tuples separately?
3.3 ANF transformations
We simply generalize:
type 'a cexpr =
| CTuple of 'a immexpr list * 'a (* components of the tuple *)
| CGetItem of 'a immexpr * int * 'a (* tuple, desired index *)
Complete the ANF transformation for
. Why doesn’tCTuple
require the size of the tuple any more?
3.4 Compiling tuples and tuple accesses
Again we generalize, assuming that all parts of the tuple have been evaluated (as ensured by ANFing).
... assume the parts of the tuple are already evaluated ...
mov [R15 + 0], n ;; the size of the tuple
mov [R15 + 8 * 1], <first part of tuple>
mov [R15 + 8 * 2], <second part of tuple>
mov [R15 + 8 * n], <last part of tuple>
mov RAX, R15 ;; Start creating the tuple value itself
add RAX, 0x1 ;; tag the tuple
add R15, 8 * (n + 1) ;; bump the heap pointer
add R15, (0 or 8) ;; realign the heap pointer if needed
Implement this in
To implement a tuple access, again we generalize, being careful to account for the header word:
mov RAX, <the tuple value>
<check that RAX is indeed a tuple>
sub RAX, 0x1 ;; untag it
cmp n, 0 ;; \ make sure the index
jl index_too_low ;; / is non-negative
cmp n, [RAX] ;; \ make sure the index is
jge index_too_high ;; / within the size of the tuple
mov RAX, [RAX + 8 * (n + 1)] ;; treat RAX as a pointer, and get its nth word
Implement this in
3.5 Type Checking and Type Inference
Do Now!
What goes wrong for type-checking and/or type-inference of general tuples?
This time, not only do we have trouble guessing the “other” component types
during type-checking, but both type-checking and type-inference have trouble
guessing the width of the tuple. This is because there is no type variable
that says “I am a tuple of arbitrary width”, so inference cannot generate an
appropriately constrained type variable.2The closest technique to handle
this, called row
polymorphism, is intended to handle records rather than tuples; this is why
SML actually treats its tuples as records with fields whose “names” are
integers. SML’s version of our tuple-accessor expressions are actually
functions “named” #1
, #2
, etc. It is unclear to me whether this is
a clever solution, or merely a hacky one.
Once again, type-checking will restrict itself to working with tuple-accesses where the expression is merely an identifier.
Type-inference can guess the size of the tuple, though, because our accessor
specifies it: this is why our expressions said e[7 of 9]
, rather
than just e[7]
. We can then create a tuple of the appropriate
size, whose components are all fresh type variables, and then continue type
inference as needed:
4 Generalized bindings
Now that we have larger tuples, we might well want to nest them within one
another. The accessor syntax quickly gets cumbersome to use, though. Perhaps
we can take inspiration from ML, and allow more complex bindings in our
expressions, to bind names to all the parts of a tuple at once.
We’ll write a new pass for our compiler that desugars3It’s often subjective where to draw the line between “syntactic sugar” and “new feature”: formally, after all, beyond a certain point all languages are equally expressive! My sense of the distinction is that, if a feature can easily be translated from one concrete syntactic form to another, where the transformation mostly just rearranges existing expressions rather than rewrites them heavily, then we consider it “syntactic sugar.” Under this measure, transforming sequencing into let-bindings counts as sugar, but ANF transformations do not. our input program into an equivalent, more verbose form:
let (x, y, z) = (4, 5, 6) in x + y + z
===> desugars to ===>
let temp = (4, 5, 6) in
let x = temp[0 of 3] in
let y = temp[1 of 3] in
let z = temp[2 of 3] in
x + y + z
Do Now!
name is not present in the original program, nor are the numbers 0, 1, 2 or 3. Where did they all comefrom?
This pass must recur throughout the program, as all of our passes do, and
rewrite any sequence expressions it encounters. The advantage of this approach
is that our subsequent passes can completely ignore the new sequencing
expression form (they can throw an InternalCompilerException
instead), and
therefore no other part of our language is affected.
5 Tuples and Memory Allocation
If we’re using R15
to store the memory address where our available heap
space begins, where do we get its initial value from?
) to preallocate a large region of memory that we can use in our programs. But where doesmalloc
know where available memory begins? We don’t passmalloc
a starting address, so the start address isn’t on the stack. And we’ve accounted for the purposes of all the available registers, so it’s not hiding in a register (the way that we’re usingR15
).The implementation of
stores several pointers that maintain a clever structure of free and allocated chunks of memory, divided among arenas of allocations of similar sizes. But where can those pointers live? They can’t be on the heap itself, since they help manage the heap!Instead, we need to store those pointers in some well-known, statically known location.
Before, when introducing stacks, we had a simple memory-layout diagram that looked like this:
This is a bit simplistic – particularly that “Global” section. What goes in there? Among other things, that section breaks down into smaller sections, with various purposes:
section includes global constants known at compile-timeThe
section includes global names whose values aren’t known (and so are initialized to zero)The
sections are analogous to.data
sections, but are thread-local
Crucially, the addresses of these four sections are constant, determined by the linker when the executable is produced, and their sizes are known statically: they’re not part of the heap, and any variables stored within them are stored at predictable locations. So the implementation of
ultimately relies on a thread-local variable, stored in the.tbss
section and initialized as part of the startup of the program beforemain()
ever gets called, to hold the pointer to the first arena.Walking our way back up the list above: since the address of the pointer to the first arena is statically known, it doesn’t need to be passed in via a function parameter, or via a register; it’s now possible for
to correctly provide us with unique, newly-allocated regions of memory, which we can then use in our programs with impunity.
1Multiples of 8 are actually guaranteed for us, but it is worthwhile to ensure this for ourselves, especially if for some reason we need a more stringent alignment guarantee later on.
2The closest technique to handle
this, called row
polymorphism, is intended to handle records rather than tuples; this is why
SML actually treats its tuples as records with fields whose “names” are
integers. SML’s version of our tuple-accessor expressions are actually
functions “named” #1
, #2
, etc. It is unclear to me whether this is
a clever solution, or merely a hacky one.
3It’s often subjective where to draw the line between “syntactic sugar” and “new feature”: formally, after all, beyond a certain point all languages are equally expressive! My sense of the distinction is that, if a feature can easily be translated from one concrete syntactic form to another, where the transformation mostly just rearranges existing expressions rather than rewrites them heavily, then we consider it “syntactic sugar.” Under this measure, transforming sequencing into let-bindings counts as sugar, but ANF transformations do not.